Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lonely In The Island

Three men got stuck in an island. After three years, they saw a bottle floating nearby. They opened it and a fairy came out.

The fairy told them each of them can have one wish from her. Here are what they asked for:

Man 1: It's so lonely here. I wish I'm back with my family in New York.
Fairy: Done.

And he's back with his family.

Man 2: He's right. It's so lonely here. Send me back to my wife in our house.
Fairy: Done.

And he's now enjoying his time with his wife.

Man 3: They're right. It's lonely here. Specially now that I'm all alone. I wish that my two friends who jst left be back here.
Fairy: Done.

Then the fairy left.

And they're all stuck in the island... again.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A Beautiful One

A man has been hiding all his life because he thinks he's too ugly to have friends who will accept him for who he is. One day, he found a bottle in their attic. He opened it and a fairy came out.

He was then given one wish. He immediately showed her a map (of another country).

Man: Bring me to this country. I read that ugly people like me could have a good life there.

Fairy: Sorry pal my powers are limited to this country only. I can't take you to another country.

Man: Oh, is that so? Okay then just turn my face into a beautiful one.

Fairy: Can You show me the map again? I'll see what I can do with that.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Anyone Brave Enough?

An angry man came out of the street yelling, "Is there anyone here brave enough to fight me?"
For fifteen minutes he was doing the same thing.
Finally someone came out and accepted his challenge. He was big, looks sporty and knows martial arts.
Then the angry man, feeling embarrassed because he knew he couldn't beat him yelled, "My invitation was just for people five years old and below!"

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Bad Dog

A man visited a girl in her house. Now they are seated on a chair made of wood. The girl's dog, Brownie, is under the man's seat.

Now the man needs to fart but he thinks that when he stands up to do it somewhere else, it might come out while he walks so he farted right there on the seat.

The girl heard it so she called her dog, "Brownie, come here. Bad dog."
So the man thought to himself that it was a success because she thought t was the dog, not him.

While they were talking, he needed to do it again and he did. The dog was under his chair again so he did not worry about who's to blame. Then the girl called out, "Brownie, come here. Bad dog."

After some time, the dog came back under his chair again. So the man did it once more. The girl immediately called her dog and said, "Brownie, come here. He might poop on you. Bad dog."